Academic Calendar 2019-2020

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Wednesday October 1st, 2014 HALF DAY!

Today's Quote:


Turn in science fair 3x5 card ideas today for two letter grades lower than Monday

Today's schedule

STUDENT ON CAMPUS: 7:30 first bell

Bell to class:7:50

1st Period: 7:55- 8:25

2nd Period: 8:28 - 8:58

3rd Period: 9:01 - 9:31

4th Period + HR: 9:34 - 10:04

HR: 10:04-10:08

HH: 10:11 – 11-14

Group A: Lunch 10:11 – 10:41

SIT: 10:44 – 11:14

Group B: SIT: 10:11 – 10:41

Lunch: 10:44 – 11:14

5th Grade: Lunch 11:20 - 11:45

5th Period: 11:17 - 11:47

6th Period: 11:50 - 12:20

Second release bell: 12:23

Today's Lateral Thinking question:

How far can a dog run into the woods?

Now Playing During Lunch

Today is a tutoring lunch. No video, but I am there to help.

Today's Class:

Today's class will be used for catch u. If you did not finish your ball bounce lab, now is the time to do it. If you have not taken the FCA or did not finish this is the day to do it. If you have not come up with a science fair idea, get to it. If you haven't watched the video, do it on a lap top. If you have not done Brain Pop, do it now. If you have ALL OF THAT DONE, Log in to FCAT EXPLORER. This is not a wasted day to sit and talk, CATCH up!

Even Superheroes need SCIENCE!

I have been looking over the science fair cards, but as I do, I will return them to students stapled to a design sheet. You can preview that sheet at the following link: General layout for experimental design.

Today's homework:

Precision and Accuracy. This first unit is on today's topic.

Free Resource!

I have purchased a Brain Pop account for my classes to use.

The user name for all students is: redshoulderhawks

The password for all students is: Horizon2014

Cool Website Alert

Have you ever been really curious about a topic and just don't know what to believe from the internet? Try Sparticl. Students just like you LOVE Sparticl, especially when doing research. As one student said, “One great thing about Sparticl is that it includes both fun activities as well as educational resources. If you want to write a research paper, you will find great information on Sparticl, and it’s all credible,” said Hanna Endrias, 14, of Washington, D.C. Sparticl, give you access to current science and STEM activities and features really cool games in a learning platform. Try it today!

We talked about making a works cited page for your research paper and I recommendEasybib. It is incredibly easy to use and a tool you can use from now through college.

FCAT Explorer is now ready for use! Go to FCAT Once you get there you can sign in using the following formula for your user name and password

STUDENT LOGIN INFORMATION Student sign-ins are using the following formula : full last name, followed by the first letter of the first name (e.g. Alberto Rodriguez = RODRIGUEZA). Student passwords Are using the following formula: the two-digit district ID number, followed by the first four letters of the last name, followed by the two-digit birth month, followed by the two-digit birth day (e.g. Alberto Rodriguez, Duval County [16], born on May 10 [mmdd] = 16RODR0510). Our District ID is { 42 }.

I should have your sections set up by tomorrow. Once they are in place you can work on FCAT explorer from home. When you complete a section (for example Science Voyager), I will enter a quiz grade based on what your average score was. This will count toward your class grade, but cannot hurt your grade. (It functions like an extra credit assignment)

PM Update:

Monday, September 29, 2014

Tuesday September 30th, 2014

Today's Quote:


Turn in science fair 3x5 card ideas today for one letter grade lower than yesterday

Today's Lateral Thinking question:

A Woman fro New York married ten different men from that city, yet, she did not break any laws. None of the men died, and she never divorced. How was this possible?

Now Playing During Lunch

Scientific measurement, accuracy and precision. I will be working through some examples of Scientific notation and making accurate measurements

Today's Class:

Today in class, we got out the laptops and finished making our graph. Students should email me their completed graph from their student accounts. The final write up from the ball bounce lab is .due on Thursday and Friday. Students should use their graph and collected data to analyze their ball bounces and complete the conclusion and .ALL other sections in the COW write up.

I di dnot get a chance to look over the science fair cards, but as I do, I will return them to students stapled to a design sheet. You can preview that sheet at the following link: General layout for experimental design.

Today's homework:

Watch Scientific measurement, accuracy and precision.

Complete COW lab report for Ball Bounce AND email graph Mr. Allison

Precision and Accuracy. This first unit is on today's topic.

Free Resource!

I have purchased a Brain Pop account for my classes to use.

The user name for all students is: redshoulderhawks

The password for all students is: Horizon2014

Cool Website Alert

Have you ever been really curious about a topic and just don't know what to believe from the internet? Try Sparticl. Students just like you LOVE Sparticl, especially when doing research. As one student said, “One great thing about Sparticl is that it includes both fun activities as well as educational resources. If you want to write a research paper, you will find great information on Sparticl, and it’s all credible,” said Hanna Endrias, 14, of Washington, D.C. Sparticl, give you access to current science and STEM activities and features really cool games in a learning platform. Try it today!

We talked about making a works cited page for your research paper and I recommendEasybib. It is incredibly easy to use and a tool you can use from now through college.

FCAT Explorer is now ready for use! Go to FCAT Once you get there you can sign in using the following formula for your user name and password

STUDENT LOGIN INFORMATION Student sign-ins are using the following formula : full last name, followed by the first letter of the first name (e.g. Alberto Rodriguez = RODRIGUEZA). Student passwords Are using the following formula: the two-digit district ID number, followed by the first four letters of the last name, followed by the two-digit birth month, followed by the two-digit birth day (e.g. Alberto Rodriguez, Duval County [16], born on May 10 [mmdd] = 16RODR0510). Our District ID is { 42 }.

I should have your sections set up by tomorrow. Once they are in place you can work on FCAT explorer from home. When you complete a section (for example Science Voyager), I will enter a quiz grade based on what your average score was. This will count toward your class grade, but cannot hurt your grade. (It functions like an extra credit assignment)

PM Update:

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Monday September 29th, 2014

Today's Quote:


Today's Lateral Thinking question:

Picture a bridge four kilometers long and strong enough to hold exactly ten thousand kilograms, but no more.A loaded transport truck weighing exactly ten thousand kilograms drives onto the bridge. At the halfway point, a sparrow weighing exactly 30 grams lands on the truck, yet the bridge doesn't collapse. How could this be?

Now Playing During Lunch

Scientific measurement, accuracy and precision.

Today's Class:

As students entered the class, I collected their 3x5 cards with a proper heading on one side and their science fair topic and possible experiment on the other. I will look over these and get them back to the students with my approval or a note requesting they do something different. I also handed out the research form to help them further develop their experiment. A copy is available here: General layout for experimental design. Students took FCA #1 and, if there was tie left, got out one of the laptops and began to do the Brain POP on Precision and accuracy.

Today's homework:

Watch Scientific measurement, accuracy and precision.

Precision and Accuracy. This first unit is on today's topic.

Free Resource!

I have purchased a Brain Pop account for my classes to use.

The user name for all students is: redshoulderhawks

The password for all students is: Horizon2014

Cool Website Alert

Have you ever been really curious about a topic and just don't know what to believe from the internet? Try Sparticl. Students just like you LOVE Sparticl, especially when doing research. As one student said, “One great thing about Sparticl is that it includes both fun activities as well as educational resources. If you want to write a research paper, you will find great information on Sparticl, and it’s all credible,” said Hanna Endrias, 14, of Washington, D.C. Sparticl, give you access to current science and STEM activities and features really cool games in a learning platform. Try it today!

We talked about making a works cited page for your research paper and I recommendEasybib. It is incredibly easy to use and a tool you can use from now through college.

FCAT Explorer is now ready for use! Go to FCAT Once you get there you can sign in using the following formula for your user name and password

STUDENT LOGIN INFORMATION Student sign-ins are using the following formula : full last name, followed by the first letter of the first name (e.g. Alberto Rodriguez = RODRIGUEZA). Student passwords Are using the following formula: the two-digit district ID number, followed by the first four letters of the last name, followed by the two-digit birth month, followed by the two-digit birth day (e.g. Alberto Rodriguez, Duval County [16], born on May 10 [mmdd] = 16RODR0510). Our District ID is { 42 }.

I should have your sections set up by tomorrow. Once they are in place you can work on FCAT explorer from home. When you complete a section (for example Science Voyager), I will enter a quiz grade based on what your average score was. This will count toward your class grade, but cannot hurt your grade. (It functions like an extra credit assignment)

PM Update:

It felt good to be back in the room! The FCA took the entire period, so we did not get much else done. I collected science fair ideas from students but did not hand out the design worksheet. As I review their project ideas I will staple the card to a sheet and hand them back

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Thursday and Friday September 25th & 26th, 2014

Today's Quote:


All classes report to the media center today!

All classes will have their First FCA on Monday

Today's Lateral Thinking question:

What is one thing that all wise men, regardless of their religion or politics, agree is between heaven and Earth?

Now Playing During Lunch

Scientific measurement, accuracy and precision.

Today's Class:

Students were given 10 minutes to finish up their quizzes. Following that, Mrs. Drazan, our media specialist, went over the first lesson in conducting scientific research for the upcoming science fair projects. Students will use the FINDS model and should start to investigate what type of project they want to do. ALL students MUST do a school science fair project. We will use the research model Mrs. Drazan demonstrated. Every project MUST have an experiment and will be conducted on the student's own time outside the classroom. No models such as volcanoes, dams, pyramids, etc. I must approve ALL projects before students begin.

Following our research session, students continued building their Excel graphs to finish up our ball bounce lab.

Today's homework:

Watch Scientific measurement, accuracy and precision.

Free Resource!

I have purchased a Brain Pop account for my classes to use.

The user name for all students is: redshoulderhawks

The password for all students is: Horizon2014

Precision and Accuracy. This first unit is on today's topic.

Have you ever been really curious about a topic and just don't know what to believe from the internet? Try Sparticl. Students just like you LOVE Sparticl, especially when doing research. As one student said, “One great thing about Sparticl is that it includes both fun activities as well as educational resources. If you want to write a research paper, you will find great information on Sparticl, and it’s all credible,” said Hanna Endrias, 14, of Washington, D.C. Sparticl, give you access to current science and STEM activities and features really cool games in a learning platform. Try it today!

PM Update:

We spent most of our time today going over the FINDS research Model in preparation of the Science Fair projects. Students were given a copy to keep and reminded to keep it looking great as it is the one they will turn in and t matters if it looks like a hamster slept on it. Another one can be downloaded from this link: FINDS research model.

Important things to remember about your project: It must have an experiment. It must have at least three sources for the works cited page including at least one book. You will use the website Easybib to create your works cited page. If you explore that site, it can cite everything you use including websites, blogs and 60 other types of information. You must create a board if you are planning on entering the county science fair or beyond. You must meet each deadline , as each will have a separate grade. No demonstration projects such as volcanoes, and finally, DON"T BE BORING! Find something you are REALLY curious about.

FCAT Explorer is now ready for use! Go to FCAT Once you get there you can sign in using the following formula for your user name and password

STUDENT LOGIN INFORMATION Student sign-ins ARE using the following formula : full last name, followed by the first letter of the first name (e.g. Alberto Rodriguez = RODRIGUEZA). Student passwords ARE using the following formula: the two-digit district ID number, followed by the first four letters of the last name, followed by the two-digit birth month, followed by the two-digit birth day (e.g. Alberto Rodriguez, Duval County [16], born on May 10 [mmdd] = 16RODR0510). Our District ID is { 42 }.

I should have your sections set up by tomorrow. Once they are in place you can work on FCAT exploerer from home. When you complete a section (for example Science Voyager), I will enter a quiz grade based on what your average score was. This will count toward your class grade, but cannot hurt your grade. (It functions like an extra credit assignment)

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Wednesday September 24th, 2014

Today's Quote:


I am trying to get into the media center. PLEASE check the board in front of my class to find our location.

Thursday and Friday, REPORT TO THE MEDIA Center

Reminder: It is the students responsibility to get the make up work if they have been out of school. They were given the procedure to do this over the first two weeks of school. To remind then: First, If you are out sick you should check the website TWICE PER DAY! Also check the Face Book group page Star Fleet Training. Second, If you can't get to the website you should phone a friend- one of the two study buddies you were told to find and write down their numbers in your planner. Third, If you can't phone a friend, then email Mr. Allison at Mr. Allison. Fourth, once you have returned to class, check the make up work folder hanging on the wall by the door. Fifth: IF ALL OF THESE FAIL, Ask me AFTER class.

Today's Lateral Thinking question:

What is one thing that all wise men, regardless of their religion or politics, agree is between heaven and Earth?

Now Playing During Lunch

Graphing in Excel

Today's Class:

Students were given 10 minutes to finish up their quizzes from yesterday If there was remaining time after the quiz and pictures then, students watched the video clip Scientific measurement, accuracy and precision.

Today's homework:

Watch How To Create a Graph in Excel For Beginners. Also watch Scientific measurement, accuracy and precision.

Although I did not get to it in all blocks today you should look over the information on Precision and accuracy and how they look in science.

Free Resource!

I have purchased a Brain Pop account for my classes to use.

The user name for all students is: redshoulderhawks

The password for all students is: Horizon2014

Precision and Accuracy. This first unit is on today's topic.

You can also download the FREE app for your Android device and log in with the information I provided. Brain Pop for Android.

Today's discussion question:

Think of a time when you need to be both precise and accurate and be prepared to discuss this clearly.

PM Update:

The room change has really thrown me off balance as we jump from location to location to work. Today, we managed to really get into Excel and begin building our graphs. Most students expressed pleasant surprise at the ease of creating a graph in the program and were very happy with their work. Additionally, I explained a little bit about how the size of a graph can be manipulated in order to make the data fit the need(propaganda).


Have you ever been really curious about a topic and just don't know what to believe from the internet? Try Sparticl. Students just like you LOVE Sparticl, especially when doing research. As one student said, “One great thing about Sparticl is that it includes both fun activities as well as educational resources. If you want to write a research paper, you will find great information on Sparticl, and it’s all credible,” said Hanna Endrias, 14, of Washington, D.C. Sparticl, give you access to current science and STEM activities and features really cool games in a learning platform. Try it today!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Tuesday September 23rd, 2014

Today's Quote:


Today is picture day!

We will be attending using the following schedule: REPORT TO CLASS First for attendance!

Photographer C in Building 4 Rm 104

Period 1: 8:00- 8:20

Period 2: 8:48- 9:08

Period 3: 9:41-10:01

Period 4: 10:34- 10:54

Period 5: 12:40- 1:00

Period 6: 1:30- 1:50

Thursday and Friday, REPORT TO THE MEDIA Center

Reminder: It is the students responsibility to get the make up work if they have been out of school. They were given the procedure to do this over the first two weeks of school. To remind then: First, If you are out sick you should check the website TWICE PER DAY! Also check the Face Book group page Star Fleet Training. Second, If you can't get to the website you should phone a friend- one of the two study buddies you were told to find and write down their numbers in your planner. Third, If you can't phone a friend, then email Mr. Allison at Mr. Allison. Fourth, once you have returned to class, check the make up work folder hanging on the wall by the door. Fifth: IF ALL OF THESE FAIL, Ask me AFTER class.

Today's Lateral Thinking question:

What is one thing that all wise men, regardless of their religion or politics, agree is between heaven and Earth?

Now Playing During Lunch

Graphing in Excel

Today's Class:

Students were given 10 minutes to finish up their quizzes from yesterday If there was remaining time after the quiz and pictures then, students watched the video clip Scientific measurement, accuracy and precision.

Today's homework:

Watch How To Create a Graph in Excel For Beginners. Also watch Scientific measurement, accuracy and precision.

Although I did not get to it in all blocks today you should look over the information on Precision and accuracy and how they look in science.

Free Resource!

I have purchased a Brain Pop account for my classes to use.

The user name for all students is: redshoulderhawks

The password for all students is: Horizon2014

Precision and Accuracy. This first unit is on today's topic.

You can also download the FREE app for your Android device and log in with the information I provided. Brain Pop for Android.

Today's discussion question:

Think of a time when you need to be both precise and accurate and be prepared to discuss this clearly.

PM Update:

It was a very hectic day. Between school pictures, meetings, and trainings, I was really kept on my toes and it was a confusing day. For this reason, I will give the students 20 minutes tomorrow to finish their quiz. During lunch today we had a chance to go over both the graphing video And the video on using Excel. You can also download the FREE app for your Android device and log in with the information I provided. Brain Pop for Android.


Monday September 22nd, 2014

Today's Quote:</h2>
"Every right implies a responsibility; Every opportunity, an obligation, Every possession, a duty."
John D. Rockefeller
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Today's Lateral Thinking question:</h2>
 How many of each species of animal did Moses take on the ark with him?
<h2> Announcements: </h2>
Don't forget, tomorrow is Picture day.<p>

Thursday and Friday, REPORT TO THE MEDIA Center
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 Now Playing During Lunch</h1>
There will be no feature presentation during lunch today so students may come back and finish their quiz. Please go to the cafeteria and get your lunch and then come back up to 3-217
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Today's Class:</h2>
Students will have a few minutes to study before taking the graphing quiz based upon the video they were asked to watch over a week ago.
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Today's homework:</h2>
No homework tonight- although it is <b>STRONGLY</b> suggested students watch the graphing video!
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Watch for review!<a href="">How to construct a graph</a>. I spoke briefly about the video homework and told the classes that there is <b> no vocabulary quiz this week</b>, however, there will be a quiz on Monday of next week.
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Today's discussion question:</h2>
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There is no discussion question today.
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 PM Update: </h2>
Wow! What a screwed up day! Things were on track to be a glorious day and then, five minutes before fist period began, the county came out and took our projector to send it off for warranty work. That left me scrambling to find a room we could work in. 
The remainder of this week we will meet in building 3 room 217 since it has a projector.
Once we relocated there, students began their quiz. Several groups did not finish the quiz and were told that they will have about 10 minutes to finish it tomorrow.
Students should definitely WATCH THE GRAPHING VIDEO! A Beginners Guide To Graphing Data

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Open House Thursday September 18th, 2014 5:45pm- 7:00pm


Thomas R. Allison

  1. Highly qualified Florida teacher with 15 years of classroom experience, 
  2. I am a dedicated thinker seeking  to change the world through education. 
  3. I am not satisfied to just do a good job with my students.
  4. I believe in holding a higher standard, and igniting the flame of inquiry within them.
    1.  I fan that flame with personal experiences and lead their curious minds toward activities which will allow them to hone their wild thoughts into sharpened instruments of critical thinking. 

    2. I do this through a combination of hands on projects and a host of other methods which immerse the students in a learning rich environment where they rediscover their wonder. 

You will see that I shun superficiality in my teaching style. I wholeheartedly believe that the best way to meet the common core requirements is to take students to a depth of learning that will allow them to navigate the shallows on their own. By diving deep, they learn critical thinking skills that cannot be gained whilst skimming over the surface of a unit.

I hold certifications in 6-12 Biology, 6-12 English, 6-12 Social Science, Middle Grades General Science, and ESOL. I have experience teaching a variety of sciences including, Biology, Chemistry, Physical Science, Earth Space Science, Marine Biology, Aquaculture, Environmental Science and Ecology, Honors Junior/Senior English, Advanced Physical Science, and World History. 

Additionally, I have successfully coached boys’ varsity soccer to regional playoffs, coached girls’ soccer, and sponsored a variety of clubs and after school activities including: Environmental club, Chess club, Journalism, and Robotics.

Contacting me

Phone: 352-465-6720 Ext. 55256
E- Mail: 
I respond to E- mails within 48 hours. 

PLEASE do not leave important messages on my voice mail. I rarely check it. To schedule parent conferences, please contact the school guidance office.

Course Subjects:

Physical Science: Periods 1,2,5,6 (Approximately 24 students per period)
Honors Physical Science: Periods 3,4 (High School credit class) (Approximately 25 students per class) *
This class will be taught at an advanced level. My expectation is that students in these sections will produce a higher quality work. *
Florida Standards and Course Outline can be found at this link: CPALMS State Course Description with Standards.
Complete Course Syllabus: Mr. Allison's Course Syllabus

style="text-align: left;"> Class Resources and Tools

Class Website
REMIND for Physical Science
REMIND for Honors Physical Science
Brain Pop
How Parents Can Help Students Study
" ... to imagine themselves standing in the middle of a huge field and needing to dig a well so they could have a drink. I explained that in a way, I am standing right there with them and I keep laying tools out in front of them to make their job easier, yet they are not picking up the tools. I then gave them the Chinese proverb that states, "When you are thirsty, it's too late to think of digging a well." The take home message is that I have provided every learning tool I know to give them; I stay in my class during lunch so students can come in and view the videos if they do not have or could not get to a computer while at home. Additionally, I come in at 7:00am every day to open the room and allow them the opportunity to come in as well. I have provided this blog which I update twice daily, once in the morning and once in the evening so they have all of the resources I mentioned in class and they have the most up to date information. I have built and maintain a closed Face Book page called Star Fleet Training and asked them to join it as well as have their parents join it because I am online most of the time and if they post a question there, I usually answer within 5 minutes. There are also other parents, teachers, and students who provide homework help and hints how to be successful in class as well as science related current events. I gave them the REMIND, texting service and asked them to sign up and give it to their parents to sign up as well so that they will get a text when they have homework or projects, tests or quizzes coming up. I have given them permission to record me lecturing. I have allowed them to use their phones to take notes instead of writing them down. I allow them to listen to their music during tests and I have provided a complete syllabus with all of the class information in it. All I can do is lay the tools out in front of them, but they have to be the ones to pick up those tools and actually choose to use them."

Today's Quote:

Today's Lateral Thinking question:

If a red house is made of red bricks, and a blue house is made of blue bricks, what is a green house made of?

Now Playing During Lunch

How to Create a graph in Excel For Beginners
The Beginners Guide To Graphing Data

Today's Class:

I returned the corrected Invitation 13 papers today. Grades will not show up until tomorrow in the portal, however it was included on the 4 week progress report. The graphing quiz scheduled for this week has been moved to Monday of next week in order to allow more time for students to study. Please watch the video as the entire quiz is IN THE VIDEO Ball Bounce Challenge Today we finished up our data table and began working on the Netbooks in Excel. Students learned how to create a graph from scratch.

Today's homework:

Watch How To Create a Graph in Excel For Beginners.
Watch for review!How to construct a graph. I spoke briefly about the video homework and told the classes that there is no vocabulary quiz this week, however, there will be a quiz on Monday of next week.

Today's discussion question:

using a program such as Excel to analyze data and create a graph is an example of ?

PM Update:

First of all, I need to apologize for being on a short fuse. I knew I was getting a migraine when I got to school but I didn't want anyone to miss out so I tried to tough it out. Better day tomorrow!
Our plans to use the laptops failed miserably due to the computer shutting down before we could use them. We'll try it again next week. For now we'll construct our graphs old school. Classes worked through analysis of their data today and began to grasp that "doing an experiment or lab"is only a tiny portion f the scientific method. As I stated earlier in this unit, scientists spend most of their time in research and analysis. This sounds daunting, but the payoff is huge. I used the example of Dr. Keeling and the famous Keeling curve featured in the BGTGD video. His data set was enormous and he managed to convert it into a graph that was understandable by even those people who may not be scientific wiz kids. Check out this real tie website to monitor the Keeling curve and Carbon dioxide particles in the atmosphere. NOAA Earth System Research Lab, Global Monitoring Division
I went over a few terms we need as we move forward. These included Data set- a collection of data points within a research project (trail 1 at 2 cinder blocks, trial 2 at 3 cinder blocks, etc. And data point- a specific piece of data within a data set. For example the bounce eight of the ball in the second trial at 2 cinder blocks. As we worked students began to unravel their data sets and started to recognize patterns within the collected information. As the pattern became clear, students were able to then make a prediction- a statement about what will happen or might happen in the future. From this prediction students were able to determine the possible bounce height of their next trials. We then went back out into the hall to see if their prediction of the bounce height at 8 cinder blocks was accurate. The next step is to calculate the percentage error in our predicted value from the observed value. That formula can be found at this link:Calculating percent error.
Although I did not get to it in all blocks today you should look over the information on Precision and accuracy and how they look in science. Use this link to examine this subject. DO NOT CREATE AN ACCOUNT, I already have. The username for everyone is redshoulderhawks. The password is Horizon2014 I maintain this account so please do not share the username or password on other websites. The link is: Brain Pop.
You can also download the FREE app for your Android device and log in with the information I provided. Brain Pop for Android.


Thanks to Jamz Petkanis for turning me on to a new app that's GREAT for what we do in class. This is the FREE version: Timeshift Burst. If you have an android phone I strongly recommend you DL this one. I don't know what the Apple version is, so you're on your own. Check out Jamz Photos of their ball bounce lab on our FaceBook page. We had a discussion over precision and accuracy in 6th period today so I wanted to share the information I covered. Accuracy and Precision
Finally, an interesting article came out in the journal, Nature today It indicates that all of Europe had only three ancestral base population that interbred. Check it out here: Ancient human genomes suggest three ancestral populations for present-day Europeans.

Tuesday September 3rd, 2019- Hurricane day 1

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