Academic Calendar 2019-2020

Monday, September 29, 2014

Tuesday September 30th, 2014

Today's Quote:


Turn in science fair 3x5 card ideas today for one letter grade lower than yesterday

Today's Lateral Thinking question:

A Woman fro New York married ten different men from that city, yet, she did not break any laws. None of the men died, and she never divorced. How was this possible?

Now Playing During Lunch

Scientific measurement, accuracy and precision. I will be working through some examples of Scientific notation and making accurate measurements

Today's Class:

Today in class, we got out the laptops and finished making our graph. Students should email me their completed graph from their student accounts. The final write up from the ball bounce lab is .due on Thursday and Friday. Students should use their graph and collected data to analyze their ball bounces and complete the conclusion and .ALL other sections in the COW write up.

I di dnot get a chance to look over the science fair cards, but as I do, I will return them to students stapled to a design sheet. You can preview that sheet at the following link: General layout for experimental design.

Today's homework:

Watch Scientific measurement, accuracy and precision.

Complete COW lab report for Ball Bounce AND email graph Mr. Allison

Precision and Accuracy. This first unit is on today's topic.

Free Resource!

I have purchased a Brain Pop account for my classes to use.

The user name for all students is: redshoulderhawks

The password for all students is: Horizon2014

Cool Website Alert

Have you ever been really curious about a topic and just don't know what to believe from the internet? Try Sparticl. Students just like you LOVE Sparticl, especially when doing research. As one student said, “One great thing about Sparticl is that it includes both fun activities as well as educational resources. If you want to write a research paper, you will find great information on Sparticl, and it’s all credible,” said Hanna Endrias, 14, of Washington, D.C. Sparticl, give you access to current science and STEM activities and features really cool games in a learning platform. Try it today!

We talked about making a works cited page for your research paper and I recommendEasybib. It is incredibly easy to use and a tool you can use from now through college.

FCAT Explorer is now ready for use! Go to FCAT Once you get there you can sign in using the following formula for your user name and password

STUDENT LOGIN INFORMATION Student sign-ins are using the following formula : full last name, followed by the first letter of the first name (e.g. Alberto Rodriguez = RODRIGUEZA). Student passwords Are using the following formula: the two-digit district ID number, followed by the first four letters of the last name, followed by the two-digit birth month, followed by the two-digit birth day (e.g. Alberto Rodriguez, Duval County [16], born on May 10 [mmdd] = 16RODR0510). Our District ID is { 42 }.

I should have your sections set up by tomorrow. Once they are in place you can work on FCAT explorer from home. When you complete a section (for example Science Voyager), I will enter a quiz grade based on what your average score was. This will count toward your class grade, but cannot hurt your grade. (It functions like an extra credit assignment)

PM Update:

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Tuesday September 3rd, 2019- Hurricane day 1

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