Academic Calendar 2019-2020

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Monday and Tuesday September 18th & 19th, 2017

Today's Quote:


Quick- Notes:

Science is not a belief and doesn't care what you believe. Science relies on facts and evidence.

We do science to help us answer questions about the universe around us. This sometimes leads us to more questions or other observations. The ultimate goal of science is to make sense of our world.

Technology is applied science designed to make our lives easier. For example, a smart phone is a technology that was an improvement over a wired house phone. A wired house phone was an improvement over a morse code generator and that was an improvement over shouting over long distances to each other.

Science is based on facts and evidence and these can be observed or replicated under the same circumstances over and over again. 

A statement like, "I don't believe in evolution are ridiculous because evolution through natural selection is a fact that is backed up by observations that have been and can be repeated and evidence such as fossils that have been discovered.

Students then began to read the article, What is pseudo-science? The first thing students were tasked with, was to list any words they didn't know. We can't begin to talk about an article unless we're speaking the same language.

Homework was handed out at each grade level.

Start with an observation or question. Most of the methods begin this way. For example, I saw a movie where the dog could fly and I wondered, can my own dog fly?

Establish the question. We call this the CLAIM and it is written as a statement. For example, "My dog will fly if I pet it three times.

Look into the topic. This is something most science instruction gets wrong. Scientists and researchers spend 80% of their time doing research before they ever develop a hypothesis.

Formulate a hypothesis (and null hypothesis) (If:then, logical, testable

Investigate the hypothesis We said that a hypothesis is an underlying (hypo) thought or idea (thesis) about why something is going to happen and it must be able to pass the three tests of being logical, being an If/Then statement, and must be testable. If it fails even one of these tests, it's not a hypothesis. Keeping to our example, "If I pet my dog three times, then it will grow wings and fly. It IS an If/Then Statment, It IS testable, but it IS NOT logical.

Additionally, in order to combat BIAS, scientists formulate a NULL hypothesis which is the exact opposite of their hypothesis.

We also said that scientists don't stop to keep things nice and neat during the experimental phase of an investigation. It's ok to keep notes as long as you keep everything during the investigational phase. AFTER the investigation is done, scientists will begin to organize data into a nice neat format.

Examine the data- draw conclusions, analysis, perform more trials (how many?) This is when you organize your data and analyze it for patterns that might support your hypothesis and perform additional trials. Scientists perform as many trials as their time and budget allow them to do. 

Share your results (why?) Finally we share our results to allow other experts and peers to review our data and see if they can replicate the results found. If they can, then our data has been validated. If they can't then our data has been invalidated.

Entry Task/ Brain Bender:

A traffic cop was stopped at a red light. Professor James, who had his mind on a lecture he was about to give, drove his car right by him and through the light without stopping. The cop witnessed the entire scene but made no attempt to stop him. Why not?

General Agenda:

1. Hand back graded work
2. Review 

3. The Process of science: Take  SELFIES!

Start with an observation or question.

Establish the question.

Look into the topic.

Formulate a hypothesis (and null hypothesis) (If:then, logical, testable

Investigate the hypothesis

Examine the data- draw conclusions, analysis, perform more trials (how many?)

Share your results (why?)

9th Grade  Earth Space Science:

 Class Information and Syllabus

Unit Essential Question: How does a hypothesis, become a theory, become a Law and what the heck is the difference?  
Key Learning Statement: Scientists conduct investigations and use empirical evidence to reach conclusions about the natural world. 


History of Science Notes

Lab safety Rap 

3. What's the difference between a Hypothesis, Theory, and Law?


 Watch the following video on accuracy and precision AT HOME! Take notes and prepare to discuss.

Study for Vocabulary quiz Friday:
a- without
ab- from ( away from)
abduct- lead or draw [away] from
acanth- prickle or spine
acer- without horns
acetabul- vinegar cup
acin- cluster of grapes
acro- summit or top
actin- ray
acust- relating to hearing
ad- toward
adduct- to draw forward or in

HS Intensive English

 Class Information and Syllabus

Unit Essential Question: What does a good writing sample look like?
Key Learning Statement: Writers structure their writing into several key steps to produce a good writing sample. While these steps are not always needed, it is best for beginning or aspiring writers to practice them to improve their writing ability. Those steps are brainstorming, outlining, pre writing (or rough drafting), peer editing, polishing and revising, and final editing.

Art Appreciation: Storm Clouds, Maine by Marsden Hartley

Storm Clouds

Vocabulary Lesson: Context Clues

Writing Unit: Main Idea- Poetry


Study for vocabulary quiz 

10th Grade Biology 1

 Class Information and Syllabus

Unit Essential Question: How does a hypothesis, become a theory, become a Law and what the heck is the difference?  
Key Learning Statement: Scientists conduct investigations and use empirical evidence to reach conclusions about the natural world. 


History of Science Notes

Lab safety Rap 

3. What's the difference between a Hypothesis, Theory, and Law?


Read the article on How Does a Scientific Theory Become anScientific Law? Please take notes for discussion. Identify the controls and variables

Where Did Science Come From? Read through this article take notes YOU WILL BE LEADING THE DISCUSSION!

 Watch the following video on accuracy and precision AT HOME! Take notes and prepare to discuss.

Study for Vocabulary quiz Friday:
a- without
ab- from ( away from)
abduct- lead or draw [away] from
acanth- prickle or spine
acer- without horns
acetabul- vinegar cup
acin- cluster of grapes
acro- summit or top
actin- ray
acust- relating to hearing
ad- toward
adduct- to draw forward or in

Storm Updates:

As of 5am Monday morning, this was hurricane Maria's known position.

Check out the Global currents map!

Science Current Events:

China Lost Control of It's Space Station And It's Crashing To Earth!

Why It's Almost Impossible to Kill Tartigrades

The Best Graph of Global Climate Temperatures Ever!

Watch the Evolution of Bacteria In Just 10 Days!

For the First Time Ever, The Human Genome Has Been Edited By Scientists in a Highly Controversial Move.

Do Animals Possess a Soul?

Horses Can Use Symbolic Language to Communicate With Us.

Apps and Programs to Help You be Successful:

The 10 best note-taking apps

Video Links/ Other Resources over this topic

The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows

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