Today's Quote:

I gave students in all classes the same homework assignment, and since it was our all class day, we went over it in class so students understood what was expected of them. We also discussed the upcoming solar eclipse and the dangers of trying to look at it even for a few seconds without proper protection. Students were amazed to learn that regular sunglasses wouldn't protect your eyes and I discussed the biological mechanisms of pain and how it would normally protect your eyes, but when there is an eclipse, there's not enough light to trigger pain receptors. For that reason people trying to look at an eclipse directly receive the full dose of UVA and UVB radiation destroying Corneal cells in the eye, which do not repair. We went through several methods of ways to view the eclipse using indirect methods such as pin hole projectors, standing under a leafy tree and watching the light on the ground, and other SAFE viewing methods. I reiterated several times that at no time should you even try to glance at the eclipse because the risk of eye damage is too great.
Entry Task/ Brain Bender:
Describe your study space. This will be written in your notebook and I will go over the format before you write.
Go to the computer lab for Learning tests.
Who are you?- take the quiz. Write your learning style down in your syllabus. Email a copy to yourself AND to me
Take the multiple intelligence quiz and write down your results in your syllabus
Take the Learning Styles Inventory and write it down in your syllabus
NOTE: Diagnostic testing in Biology and Intensive English has been postponed to Monday and Tuesday next week.
Write your Desk/computer number down in your syllabus
Describe your study space. Due Friday, August 18th, 2017 by 4pm
Watch the video
During your viewing, take notes and be prepared to come in and lead the discussion tomorrow.
Enter your zip code at this link to see what the solar eclipse will look like where you live!
Biology 1:
Year at a Glance
Unit Essential Question:
Key Learning Statement:
Our actions and reactions to the world are governed by brain chemistry and specific learning styles. When people are aware of their primary strengths, they can taylor their learning experiences to best help themselves. By knowing this information, I as a teacher, can provide a more complete and beneficial learning experience.
Intensive English/ Writing:
Year at a Glance
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